Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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Sediment sampling in progress in the canals and waterways of sector 1

Published on September 3 2018

Since July, a sediment sampling campaign has been underway in the canals and waterways of sector 1 between Compiègne and Passel.

The BURGEAP/GINGER design office is responsible for taking these samples.

Sediment samples are taken underwater in the canals and waterways of sector 1. Using a light boat, made specifically for this type of work, the BURGEAP team criss-crossed the Oise, the side canal to the Oise and the small watercourses in the area such as the Belle Anne, Divette, Lannoy, Buisson aux Rexes, Ribécourt, Moulin, Matz and Aronde streams.

Sampling work began in July, it is continuing and will be completed in mid-September.


Nearly 150 superficial and deep sediment samples will be analyzed (physical, chemical characteristics, ecotoxicity and agronomic value).  

This work will make it possible to assess the volumes and qualities of the sediments that will be extracted during the works in order to define for each of them the most appropriate reuse, recovery or disposal channel: agricultural recovery, recovery for other uses (backfill, road techniques, etc.), disposal in inert waste storage facilities, treatment of any pollution, storage of hazardous waste. The first results are expected in October.

Photo credits: BURGEAP/GINGER