Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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Canal sealing: a challenge being prepared now in Cizancourt

Published on September 11 2020

Throughout September 2020, the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe is carrying out work to build a 500 m² test basin in Cizancourt in the Somme. Once commissioned, this basin is intended to host a series of life-size leak tests. The works are taking place 1km from Cizancourt, on an agricultural plot located near the intersection between the A29 and the Somme canal. They will end in October 2020.


For 12 months, the instrumentation will measure:

  • The resistance of the protective layers (including a layer composed of chalk)
  • The impermeability of the waterproofing layers
  • The behavior of the peripheral dykes of the basin
  • The feasibility of compaction over the entire height of the embankments

Additional checks will be carried out by disbursement – ​​or excavation – of the different layers.

The works carried out in Cizancourt are managed by the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe, supported by the Groupement Bouygues, Razel and ISL Ingénierie.

The issue of watertightness in the operation of canals, and the role of experimentation in Cizancourt

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal will be designed according to the principles of water saving and resource conservation. It will be fed from the Oise, by pumping from surface water. No sampling will be carried out in the water table. As a canal intended for navigation, the Canal Seine-Nord Europe will be a hydraulic system which will ensure a sufficient water supply so that it can be used by barges and other boats throughout the year, whatever climatic hazards (heavy rain or high heat). Once filled, the water level of the canal will be continuously monitored and managed. The aim is to guarantee optimal navigation conditions, while saving water. Nevertheless, like all watercourses (rivers, rivers, etc.), the water supply of a canal will be subject to two hazards: evaporation during periods of high heat, and losses by infiltration into the structure itself. infrastructure. As the environmental ambition of the Seine-Nord Europe Canal is to preserve water resources as much as possible, innovative solutions have been devised to seal the future Canal. It is these solutions in the making, both natural and effective, that will be tested in Cizancourt.

Combining waterproofing techniques for optimal and sustainable water management

107km of Canal means 5 to 6 million square meters which will have to be made watertight. The challenge is to implement the most sustainable solutions wherever possible, with optimal materials management as a guideline. In particular, this involves using the natural properties of the soil, reusing the cuttings from the excavation work, while seeking to limit the transport of these materials.

Thus, to avoid any interaction with groundwater and limit the filling phases, the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe plans to alternate two complementary methods:

  • a classic method based on the implementation of fine polymer-based geomembranes, or geo-synthetics filled with bentonite (very fine-grained clay that absorbs water), bitumen coatings or even diaphragm walls of concrete across groundwater.
  • a natural waterproofing solution based on the reuse of silt present on site.


Why Cizancourt?

Positioned halfway between Compiègne and Aubencheul-au-Bac, the Cizancourt site has several advantages:

  • it is easily accessible,
  • the right of way is available,
  • during the lowering of the A29 motorway in anticipation of the construction of the CSNE, large quantities of easily usable silt were deposited,
  • the polls have confirmed their quality.

Find the timelapse of the works on