Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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Before undertaking civil engineering work, the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe must take ownership of the plots or property located within the scope of the project. It is in this context that a complementary plot investigation has been open since April 29 and until May 17, 2024 in Santerre Haute-Somme.

The parcel survey is a key step, which aims to identify and inform all the owners concerned while guaranteeing that their interests are properly taken into account. The file consists of the plans of the plots concerned and their owner.

This additional parcel survey concerns the municipalities of: Allaines, Barleux, Béthencourt-sur-Somme, Biaches, Bouchavesnes-Bergen, Breuil, Cizancourt, Cléry-sur-Somme, Epénancourt, Equancourt, Ercheu, Eterpigny, Etricourt-Manancourt, Languevoisin-Quiquery , Licourt, Mesnil-Saint-Nicaise, Moislains, Morchain, Moyencourt, Nesle, Pargny, Péronne, Rouy-le-Grand, Saint-Christ-Briost and Villers-Carbonnel.

The owners received a individual notification informing them of the timetable for the opening of the investigation, the filing of the investigation file at the town hall and the duty hours of the investigation committee. This commission of inquiry, totally independent, was appointed by the Prefect of the Somme department. Its mission is to collect the observations of the owners concerned thanks to a register made available to them at the town hall. Owners can also contact her in writing.

À l’issue de l’enquête, la commission se prononce sur le caractère nécessaire ou non nécessaire de l’acquisition des parcelles par la Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe. Après avoir recueilli l’avis de la commission d’enquête parcellaire et les observations de la Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe, le Préfet peut prononcer la cessibilité des biens ou des parcelles qui n’auraient pas été préalablement acquis à l’amiable et solliciter du juge une ordonnance de transfert de propriété à la Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe.

The opinion and the decree of opening of parcel investigation are accessible on the site of the prefecture of the Somme:


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