Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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SCSNE strengthens its partnership with technical, environmental and territorial experts

Published May 30 2018

Following on from the bodies initially created by VNF, and as part of its permanent objective of forging partnerships with the territories, the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe is strengthening its support bodies in terms of expertise.

Three bodies have just been set up:

  • The environment observatory, is responsible for monitoring the effects of the Seine-Nord Europe canal project on the environment. The observatory also aims to advise the contracting authority by promoting the environmental exemplary nature of the project, its integration into the territory and innovation in the field of the environment.
  • The Allotment Technical Committee, is called upon to give an opinion on the procedures for awarding contracts relating to the technical implementation of the wide-gauge canal project between Compiègne and Aubencheul-au-Bac.
  • The scientific and technical committee, is called upon to give an opinion on the specific questions formulated by the SCSNE on the design of the Seine-North Europe Canal at the stage of preliminary design studies (AVP), project studies (PRO) and technical analysis variants of companies on calls for tenders launched by the SCSNE.

A call for applications will soon be launched to constitute the colleges of experts alongside experts from the State and local authorities.