Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

Learn more about the Seine-Nord Europe Canal

What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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The Canal, let's go!

Published on September 16 2022

Starting signal !

Five years after the mobilization of local authorities around the "Yes to the Canal", the first major works on the Seine-Nord Europe Canal have now begun in the Oise. They will then be deployed over the entire 107 km of the route, from Compiègne in the Oise to Aubencheul-au-Bac, in the North, via the Somme and the Pas-de-Calais. This is an opportunity to discover a little more about this exceptional project, which will trace the new lifeline of Hauts-de-France and generate multiple opportunities for many of us!

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A project that will gradually ramp up

While in the Department of Oise, to the south of the route, the companions are finishing building the first quays and are beginning to build bridges and develop the new bed of the Oise river over 3,5 kilometers, the teams are busy also on the entire route: detailed studies, procedures and local consultations are progressing with a view to the first works from 2024 in Noyonnais, Santerre-Haute-Somme and Artois-Cambrésis. 

The commissioning of the entire Canal is scheduled for 2030, in line with the objective set by Europe for the completion of the Seine-Escaut network.

Jobs and economic development, many opportunities to seize during and after the work!

Nearly 500 people are already mobilized on the project, to reach a workforce of approximately 6000 people at the height of the construction site, including around 3000 Jobs specially created for the Canal. And that's not counting the many indirect jobs for the site services. Opportunities for the inhabitants of Hauts-de-France, including people on the way insertion, which can benefit from training right now to access future jobs and thus participate in this great collective adventure.

Much more than a transport infrastructure, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal will carry a new dynamic of planning and sustainable development for the entire region thanks to the ecological and economic advantages of large gauge river transport. The Canal will be a source of competitiveness for production and attractiveness for new industrial and logistics sites on and near the network of inland ports linking Hauts-de-France.

Everything is done so that regional businesses can take advantage of economical consequences, whether during construction by supporting them in seizing public works contract opportunities, or after the Canal has been commissioned by taking advantage of the assets of the Seine-Escaut network.

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal is THE major project of our time. And it's happening with us!

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An exceptional project, many challenges to overcome

107 km of wide-gauge canal, more than 70 works of art, more than 1200 hectares of environmental facilities… the Seine-Nord Europe Canal represents an exceptional technical, environmental and human challenge.

But concretely, how do we carry out a project of this magnitude in the XNUMXstrd century?

Studies and consultation, preparation of the site, development of the Canal and its structures, filling... discover in pictures the essential steps for a successful Canal Seine-Nord Europe.

Over the course of its long history, which began more than 20 years ago, the Canal has gradually gone through the various stages of design through dialogue. By approaching the construction phase, it now becomes reality.

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Meet the actors of the Canal

After the “Canal Encounters” event held in Amiens Mégacité on September 15, three departmental public meetings will be held this fall, in Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Oise and Aisne. Inhabitants, economic actors, associations, elected officials of the territory, come and discuss with the actors of the project on the Canal in your Department, the opportunities and the challenges to be taken up collectively.

Dates and locations to come!