Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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The Santerre – Haute-Somme Territorial Committee met in Péronne

Posted on 23 November 2018

Mr Bernard Musset, sub-prefect of Péronne and Montdidier, brought together the Santerre-Haute Somme territorial committee on Friday November 23, 2018 at 14:30 p.m. at the Pierre Mendès-France high school in Péronne.

The meeting took place in the presence of Jérôme Dezobry, Chairman of the Management Board of the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe, Xavier-Yves Valère, Head of Mission at the SGAR (General Secretariat for Regional Affairs) of Hauts-de-France and Jacques Petit, regional councilor for Hauts-de-France.

The territorial committee brings together both the elected representatives and the institutions of the territories involved in the major construction project for the Seine-Nord Europe canal project. This meeting in particular made it possible to discuss the news of the SCSNE and the progress of the project on Sector 1; to discuss the mechanisms of the Grand Chantier approach, in particular Canal Solidaire (insertion) and Canal Emploi recently approved during the last two Supervisory Board meetings of the SCSNE and to approach the method of territorial development contracts co-constructed with the intermunicipal cooperation establishments (EPCI).

More information on the organization with the territories: Job channel