Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

Learn more about the Seine-Nord Europe Canal

What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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The beams of the first bridge over the Seine-Nord Europe Canal are installed

The construction of the first bridges on the RD 66, between Montmacq and Cambronne-lès-Ribécourt, continues with a new stage: the lifting of the beams of the bridge on the future Canal Seine-Nord Europe (CSNE). Throwback to the first lift carried out on July 18, 2023.

Did you know?

With a range of 105 meters, the RD 66 bridge on the CSNE is the largest in sector 1, between Compiègne and Passel.

The 3 beams raised during July are 75 meters long and weigh each almost 200 tons. They will soon be welded to the rest of the framework which will be placed on the abutments of the bridge this summer.

Beams, framework, deck… Discover in infographics what these elements correspond to.

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