Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

Learn more about the Seine-Nord Europe Canal

What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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The Canal in the Compiégnois

December 4, 2022

Work is progressing on sector 1 from Compiègne to Passel. Preparatory works, transhipment quays etc. The developments are becoming more precise and the rescinding of the Oise at Montmacq started this summer. It will be accompanied by the creation of 4 bridges at Cambronne-lès-Ribécourt and Pimprez, a siphon and the Montmacq spillway.

To know everything about this first section, a brochure is dedicated to it. It tells you all about the reaches of this section, the Montmacq lock, the future of the CLO, the works, the environmental aspects and the related development projects.

Discover it here!


Added October 4, 2022

Canal brochure in the Compiégnois