Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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Afforestation operation in the Oise: from seed to forest

Published on 15 April 2021

Even before the start of construction work on the Seine-Nord Europe Canal, discover in images the stages of one of the first environmental developments carried out at the start of spring. An afforestation operation, particularly of smooth elms, the result of a fruitful partnership between the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe, the National Botanical Conservatory of Bailleul and the Horticultural School of Ribécourt.

The environment at the heart of the future Canal project

A unique regional development project, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal was designed from the outset to avoid, reduce and compensate for its effects on the environment. The ambition is to create a living Canal, which not only preserves but ultimately amplifies biodiversity in the territory.

This afforestation operation is thus part of the 700 hectares of compensatory developments planned along the future Canal and its surroundings. Numerous afforestations, but also the planting of hedges and the restoration of wetlands or dry meadows will thus see the light of day in 2021 and during the construction of the Canal until 2028.

More than 6500 plants transplanted

A few days were needed to transplant 6500 seedlings on a 5.4 hectare plot in Chiry-Ourscamp, a town in the Oise near the future Canal Seine-Nord Europe. These plants of various species (white elms, black alders, pedunculate oaks, downy birches and white willows) will be able to measure 5 meters from 2026 and will reach an average height of 20 meters at maturity. They will enrich the local alluvial afforestation areas (along the watercourses).

A regional partnership to reestablish the smooth elm in its natural environment in the middle valley of the Oise

The Smooth Elm, a rare and protected species of Elm in Picardy, is generally observed in deciduous forests along waterways and alluvial forests.

2400 European elm plants were obtained thanks to a partnership in two key stages: last spring, the National Botanical Conservatory of Bailleul first collected seeds from trees in several forests in the valley of the Oise. The Lycée horticole de Ribécourt then took over for the cultivation of the seeds, following meticulous stages of care and tracing the origin of the seeds harvested.

This fruitful partnership has made it possible both to develop and promote local know-how, and to reintroduce protected species from local genetic sources.