Learn more about the Seine-Nord Europe Canal

What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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Whether it concerns the operation of the client, technical design or production of the Seine-Nord Europe Canal, innovation is asserting itself everywhere.

A unique organization

Beyond the techniques used, the conduct of the project itself (find theproject history on the site) is part of an innovative approach: for the first time, thanks to the implementing decision of the European Union (dated June 27, 2019), a major European project is piloted at regional level by a structure ad hoc supported by a Region and Departments.

Technical innovations

From a technical point of view, the teams of the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe (SCSNE) have designed structures that are both efficient and economical in terms of materials, water and energy.

Thus, in Marquion, in Pas-de-Calais, a lock prototype made it possible to test a solution of thin walls (day walls) reinforced by earth embankments, in order to limit the use of new materials or those coming from elsewhere.

In Cizancourt, in the Somme, the SCSNE experimented with a natural waterproofing process based on fine earth (silts, present in the territory) and chalk taken during the digging of the route. The mixture will be applied to the bottom and embankments of the canal to ensure waterproofing equivalent to 40 cm of clay.

Lock demonstrator in Marquion
Leak testing in the Cizancourt basin

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal construction site is also a new approach to the management of large projects, which is at the same time innovative, efficient and sustainable. It seeks in particular to facilitate the crossing of the Canal during and after the construction site or to reuse the excavated soil and limit their transport.

Solutions adapted to climate change

Much more than a mode of transport, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal will offer new outlets to an entire region and an entire ecosystem, by linking seaports, the territories crossed and the European river network. Thus, it will promote the reduction of greenhouse gases, the development of short circuits or that of recycling channels...

By involving Hauts-de-France in a deeply sustainable approach, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal anticipates a development model adapted to the climate and energy challenges of the 21st century.

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal will mean 1 million fewer trucks on the road in France in 2035.

An ambitious innovation policy

A major European project, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal is one of the means to meet the objectives set by the European Commission in terms of European climate policies (Green Deal or Green Deal) and digital transition. The management of this project aims for the overall efficiency of the site in terms of safety, environmental impact, cost and time, as well as delivering an efficient, reliable, water and energy efficient infrastructure.

Innovation is an effective lever to achieve this ambition. THE SCSNE Supervisory Board thus adopted in June 2023 its innovation policy control and reduce the effects of the construction site on the environment, optimize construction and operating costs of the work as well as The work completion deadlines.