Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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Excuse the skippers at Longueil-Annel: the SCSNE presents the route of "sector 1" between Compiègne and Passel

Posted on 8 July 2019

On Sunday July 7, 2019, on the occasion of the festivities for the Pardon de la batellerie in Longueil-Annel, the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe presented the route of the future Canal and answered many questions about the project. On a large screen, visitors could discover a video presenting an overview of the future canal and its route over the first 18 kilometers (“sector 1”) between Compiègne and Passel.

The opportunity to discuss with skippers, local residents, surrounding residents and other passers-by, future works, developments, the economic prospects of the canal, and its timetable. A moment of sharing and enriching discussions for all.

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