Learn more about the Seine-Nord Europe Canal

What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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The SCSNE & its governance

Legally created in April 2016 and operational in May 2017, the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe (SCSNE) is the owner of the Canal Seine-Nord Europe, its mission is to conduct the detailed design studies, authorization procedures and construction work for this major European project.

Our Team

The SCSNE team  is composed in September 2022 of more than 70 people, based at the headquarters of the SCSNE in Compiègne in the Oise and in Lille in the North. Their expertise covers all the missions of a major infrastructure project owner, ranging from engineering profiles with various specialties (environment, geotechnics, hydraulics, project management, etc.) to experts in fields such as public procurement and purchasing, land, archaeology, consultation and communication and of course the functions that allow all companies to function well: legal, finance, human resources and information systems specialists. It is the work of all that allows the SCSNE to federate expertise and set the various partners to music to collectively succeed in this "project of the century".

The SCSNE has set itself 4 action priorities that guide its conduct of the project:

  • Security of the site, inside and around it and the safety of the works carried out,
  • Eco-performance, i.e. the economic and ecological performance in the design and construction of the Canal
  • Partnership and involvement, with local stakeholders at all stages of project design and implementation,
  • Innovation, in the areas of technical, environmental, purchasing, construction site execution and territorial dialogue.


The particularity of the SCSNE is that it is a local public institution, so it is the communities that are at its head, in partnership with the State and Europe. It is led by a Supervisory Board, whose President is Xavier Bertrand, President of the Regional Council of Hauts-de-France and Vice-President Nadège Lefèbvre, President of the Departmental Council of Oise. This Supervisory Board is made up of 30 members representing local authorities, the State and the European Union, which has an advisory vote. It also includes a deputy, a senator, a qualified personality and the Director General of VNF, the future operator and maintainer of the Canal. The Supervisory Board meets at least 4 times a year to ensure the proper management of the SCSNE and vote on major decisions such as the budget.

Supervisory Board meeting of October 15, 2021

Added October 1, 2021 - Updated January 18, 2024

Composition of the Supervisory Board

Le Strategic Committee, another governance body, is a large assembly (more than 160 members): one representative from each of the 64 municipalities crossed by the canal, one representative from each public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation crossed by the canal, two deputies and two senators, representatives of project stakeholders. It is intended to fuel the reflections of the contracting authority and all of the project's stakeholders to promote its appropriation, create favorable conditions for its successful completion and optimize the benefits of the future Canal for the territories during construction and after. its commissioning.

Le Directory of the SCSNE is composed of 3 members: Jérôme Dezobry, Chairman of the Management Board, Séverine Riche and Vincent Hulot, members of the Management Board. Their mission is to implement the decisions of the Supervisory Board, with the support of three expert committees:

  • the environmental observatory, made up of 26 independent experts, which ensures the proper application of the contracting authority's commitments and promotes the environmental exemplary nature of the project in the fields of hydraulics and hydrology, natural areas and biodiversity, as well as the landscape,
  • the scientific and technical committee, which provides in-depth complementary expertise,
  • the allotment committee, which provides its point of view and advice on the allotment envisaged for study and works contracts.

Organisational chart

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal is part of the major European waterway project called Seine-Escaut. The SCSNE thus interacts with the France-Flanders-Wallonia intergovernmental conference. It is a member of the Seine-Escaut European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG), which brings together the owners of the various development projects for the waterways of the river link: Voies navigables de France (VNF), the Public Service of Wallonia (SPW) and De Vlaasme Waterweg (DVW) in Flanders.