Learn more about the Seine-Nord Europe Canal

What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

The Canal at home

Do you want to find out about the project closest to you? Find the information that concerns you on the site of your territory.

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The Major Project approach

By strengthening existing economic activities and creating new sectors, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal structures the future prospects of an entire region. His contribution promises to be consequent in terms of employment and training as well as for theattractiveness of the territory, whether tourist or economic. And all this right from the start of the work, even before the Canal is put into operation.

To enable everyone to seize these opportunities, communities and project partners are mobilized, hand in hand, around an exceptional system reserved for major land development projects: the Grand Chantier approach.

Led by the State and the Hauts-de-France Region, it is available at the regional level in 5 measures so that residents and businesses can benefit from the benefits of the Canal construction site and get involved:

  • Business Channel, to help business leaders access markets, develop their teams' skills and recruit;
  • Employment Channel, to identify the needs of the worksite, shortage occupations and share job offers;
  • Training Channel, to bring together trainers and candidates;
  • Solidarity Channel, to support people in integration pathways;
  • Channel Home, to unite the energies of all the local partners and prepare the site and its companions in the best possible conditions.

And the first results are already there! Job seekers, young people on the threshold of their professional career, business leaders, hospitality professionals, etc. : many people have already benefited from the benefits of the project and the Grand Chantier approach.

6 000

This is the number of people who will be mobilized at the peak of the project, half of whom have been specially recruited for the Canal

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The territories are also carriers of projects for the enhancement of the waterway

Would you like to participate in development projects on board the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? Find out about the “territorial projects approach”!