Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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Train now to access the jobs of tomorrow

December 20, 2022

More than 80 professional training courses available now

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal means 6000 jobs at the peak of construction, including around 3000 people to be recruitedNearly 30 professions are identified as “under pressure”, that is to say with strong labor needs that cannot be completely covered by professionals already in post.

Recruitment of recently trained people will thus be carried out on various trades to dig the Canal, build the structures or restore the roads.


The Hauts-de-France region, pilot of the Canal Formation system, finances more than 80 professional training courses giving access to trades of the Channel. Job seekers, people in integration, active in retraining are all profiles that can benefit from it now, to be ready to apply for job offers that will multiply from 2024.

Distributed throughout the Region, these training courses are for most of them accessible to the greatest number and combine on-site learning of training and internship in companies.


First positive testimonials

In the video series "The Canal a chance for employment", discover Cap sur la Formation testimonials from trainees in training, their trainers and working professionals.


“My training will allow me to apply to companies that will participate in the construction of the Canal Seine-Nord Europe.”

Romain Delhomme, Trainee Mason, roads and various networks


“This training is accessible to anyone who can simply read and write. ”

Frédéric Cassoret, Trainer Builder of reinforced concrete structures


“Each site is varied, on Monday I can drive a truck, on Tuesday a compactor…”

Antoine Vacavant, machine operator

Videos "The channel a chance for employment"

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