Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

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The SCSNE Supervisory Board met on June 19, 2019: priority to employment

Posted on 28 June 2019

These systems will, in synergy with the three already validated (“Canal Solidaire”, “Canal Accueil”, “Canal Emploi”), support companies, their employees and job seekers to seize the opportunities of the Canal construction site.

The Supervisory Board also authorized the Management Board to finalize the awarding of the “TOARC – Earthworks, Structures and Traffic Restoration” project management contracts for sectors 2, 3 and 4 (from Noyon to Aubencheul-au -Bac) of the channel. The name of the groups of companies awarded will be communicated during the summer.

Find the regulatory decisions of the Supervisory Board in the section Deliberations of the Supervisory Board.

Find more information on the major project approach.