Learn more about the Seine-Nord Europe Canal

What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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Our commitments

Because it forges the destiny of an entire region, the Canal Seine-Nord Europe (CSNE) is built with all the actors of Hauts-de-France: elected officials, businesses, farmers, associations, inhabitants, etc.

A project resolutely rooted in its time, the CSNE was designed under the sign of innovation and environmental performance, in all dimensions and at all stages of its design. An integral part of the project, the environmental improvements thus preceded the works and are based on the expertise of the Environmental Observatory, a body made up of independent experts.

In addition, throughout the construction site, the safety of works and people is listed as the first priority of the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe. This requirement is a commitment shared by all the prime contractors, companies and subcontractors involved in the construction.

Finally, with the aim of instilling a strong regional dynamic around the Canal, the major project approach mobilizes many players in the area around issues of employment, training and integration, and overall opportunities for residents and businesses.

This virtuous circle will continue with the commissioning of the waterway. The Canal, by affirming a new landscape and allowing the development of river tourism (on the Canal) and river tourism (near the Canal), will boost local tourist attractiveness.

River transport and the development of multimodal logistics (waterway, rail, road) will strengthen the competitiveness of local, agricultural and industrial production. In addition, they will promote the establishment of new logistics activities as well as the relocation of industrial activities. The Canal will thus pave the way for the success of a sustainable economic model.