Seine-Nord Europe Canal Company

Learn more about the Seine-Nord Europe Canal

What is the Seine-Nord Europe Canal? What are its objectives and its ambition at the heart of the Region, France and Europe? 

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The Canal and biodiversity

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal is committed to the preservation of natural spaces and the biodiversity of the territory in which it is located. The fauna, flora and habitats of existing species are an integral part of the project to guarantee its sustainability and development. More than a waterway, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal is designed as a living Canal, a place of reception and life for multiple species.


To limit its impact on the environment as much as possible, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal implements the Avoid-Reduce-Compensate approach, which aims to avoid impacts on natural environments, if not reduce them, and ultimately compensate for them. Many measures are thus integrated into the design and construction choices of the Canal.

Illustration of this approach, the route of the Canal has been designed to avoid impacts on sites with high environmental stakes. Spanning the river, the emblematic 1 meter long Somme Canal Bridge preserves the great ecological wealth of the Somme valley.

Plantations in Chiry-Ourscamp ©SCSNE_ACBarbier

More than 1200 hectares dedicated to biodiversity

Beyond ecological equivalence, the Canal ultimately aims an increase in biodiversity of the territory. Its design incorporates various environmental features:

  • Developments creating favorable habitats for animal and plant species: 25 km of ecological banks and 17 hectares of hydraulic annexes.
  • Facilities to facilitate the crossing of the Canal by wildlife and preserving the existing ecological corridors: gently sloping climbing beaches, water outlet structures, passages under the Canal, climbing ladders that can be used by wildlife, eco-bridge dedicated to the passage of large wildlife, etc.
  • About sixty compensation sites, mostly near the Canal: creation or restoration of wetlands, ponds or even dry meadows; plantations of afforestation, hedges, etc.
Example of lagoon banks
Example of gently sloping banks, water outlets that will be on the Seine-Nord Europe Canal
Large fauna passage above the Canal

A construction site that respects the environment

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal is deploying a series of actions aimed at reduce the effects of the construction site on fauna and flora: displacement of plant species and capture/release of amphibians and fish before works, clearing outside bird breeding periods, installation of nesting boxes as substitute habitats for birds… but also specific treatment of invasive plants.

Backup Fishing 2023

Already done

The Canal's nesting boxes

The Nichoirs du Canal operation was launched in 2022 and continues until the end of the works:  Let's make residents' gardens and schoolyards, places of reception and reproduction of birds living near the Canal construction sites.